t> The Joy of Stampin' with Rachael: Tuesday's Tip at Ten: Coloring Your Baker's Twine

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday's Tip at Ten: Coloring Your Baker's Twine


Tuesday's Tip at Ten: How to change the color of your Baker's Twine! 

Have you ever started making a card and thought "Wow, this card would look great with some baker's twine." Only to realize you don't have a color to match the card you made... No worries, you can change the color of your Baker's Twine with Stampin' Blends or even your ink pad!

The Stampin' Blends is the easiest way to "color on" the new color on one side, flip it and color on the other side. Just make sure you have a piece of paper underneath your twine to color on as well. 

If you don't have Stampin' Blends you could run your Baker's Twine over your ink pad. This way is a little messier but would totally work. Just let it dry for a little bit before you start to use it on your project. 

Happy Stampin' Everyone!!!

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