t> The Joy of Stampin' with Rachael: Tuesday's Tip at Ten- Sandwich Happiness Recipe

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday's Tip at Ten- Sandwich Happiness Recipe


I recently went to a Leadership training in New Orleans for Stampin' UP! We had lots of great presentations there but one that stood out to me is where she gave a recipe for being HAPPY. 
Sometimes in our lives we are so busy trying to do this and that we forget how important it is to our health to just be happy. They say you are more productive throughout the day when you start with something good and end your day with something good. The key to this recipe is to sandwich your day. Here is the recipe and some suggestions. 

1. Do something simple that makes you happy. 
When you wake up in the morning do something that makes you happy first thing. It could be as simple as a cup of coffee or hot cocoa. Maybe putting on your favorite lotion or reading a spiritual message. This is what is going to set your mood for the rest of the day. 

2. Do something you don't like...a chore. 
It is important to still get things on your do to list done. Your whole day can't be just doing things you like but things that need to get done. Doing those things will give you a sense of achievement and even though you don't like doing it, it will still make you happy once it is done. So get it out of the way! It could be driving kids to school, doing dishes, laundry, or anything you aren't excited to do. 

3. Do something creative.
This may just be my favorite part of the recipe. Do something creative. I make cards, that is my creative outlet for sure. But it could be something like taking pictures of beautiful flowers, singing songs, or even making your favorite recipes. There is something to be said for those who create. It is a natural, human desire and is so satisfying to be creative. 

4. Do something just for you. 
End your day with something just for you. It could be a cup of tea, reading your favorite book, or even just washing your face. All day long you would have served others (which can make you happy too) but do try to end your day on a happy note where you don't forget to take care of yourself. This will remind yourself that you love yourself too, because you took the time for self care and are worth the time! 

Happy Stampin' Everyone!!!

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